Possible risks of consuming honey may include:
Our honey remains coarsely filtered and is pure and natural. This means that it will still contain a high amount of pollens that in extremely rare circumstances (less than 0.001%) may trigger an allergic reaction.
Honey is a natural food substance that bees produce from the nectar they collect, process, and store. Honey is a complex blend of many organic and natural compounds, which provide it with its purported medicinal benefits . It primarily consists of sugars, but it also contains pollen and proteins.
Honey allergy is rare, with an estimated incidence of less than 0.001% in the general population. The main allergens in the honey that trigger an allergic reaction are pollen and glandular proteins that the bees produce.
Specifically, pollen from the plant family Compositae , which includes sunflower, ragwort, and sagebrush, is associated with honey allergy. Health experts may refer to pollen allergies as seasonal allergic rhinitis or hay fever.
Learn more about pollen allergy.
A person allergic to pollen or bee stings is more likely to be at risk of a honey allergy. Those with severe seasonal allergies also have an increased risk.
Bees are avid pollinators. The honey they produce may also contain pollen from other plants and trees, to which a person may be allergic.
A person who suspects a honey allergy should discuss their symptoms with a doctor. The best treatment for a honey allergy is to avoid honey. However, a doctor can prescribe medications to help manage the symptoms and prevent further complications.
Risk of infant botulism.
Parents and caregivers should not offer honey to babies younger than 12 months old Honey, especially raw and unpasteurised honey, may contain spore-forming bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. The ingestion of the spores can result in infant botulism.
Infant botulism, or intestinal botulism, affects children younger than a year old because their immune and digestive systems are still immature.